18 Feb 2021
ECG Purchases Land in Newnan Industrial Park
History in the Making
For several years, ECG has discussed purchasing land and building its state-of-the-art facility to lessen nonproprietary risks and enhance Training and Safety Services to meet the electric industry’s ever-evolving skillsets’ demands. In recent weeks, ECG staff met with all 52 Members to get feedback on purchasing land and input on the timing of constructing a state-of-the-art facility.
Feedback from ECG Members was favorable towards purchasing 11 acres of land in the developed Newnan Industrial Park (NIP) and the results were submitted to the Board. On Tuesday, February 16th, the ECG Board approved the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Amendment to accumulate funds in a Restricted Reserve Account for reimbursement of the cash purchase of 11 Acres in the NIP. In addition, the Board approved authorization to execute the applicable Land Closing documents.
The Land Closing was completed on Wednesday, February 17th, granting the NIP property legal ownership to the 52 ECG Public Power Members (see the survey below). John Giles, President and CEO of ECG, stated, “I want to personally thank the ECG Board for their vision and leadership of this ‘historic’ decision to create a stand-alone ECG Corporate Office & state of the art Training Facility.”
A Look Ahead
In the months ahead, the ECG Board has directed staff to take steps beginning in late March – June to develop a Preliminary FY22 Budget for Board approval that would include a more refined budget for ECG Services costs and the new NIP facility construction. ECG Members can look forward to more one-on-one meetings to be scheduled in April/May, including budget discussions and gathering more feedback as design plans are being finalized with Headley Construction. In addition, a finalized Board-approved FY22 Budget that will potentially include the NIP Project construction costs will be submitted to ECG Members in June.
February 17th marked a momentous day for ECG and its Members. It was a day to never be forgotten. The purchase of the land solidified a stake in the ground that ECG will one day call home. Jay Bartlett, Chairman of the ECG Board said, “The ECG Board unanimously voted to approve the purchase of 11 acres in Newnan Industrial Park as directed by our membership meetings over last several weeks. We are very excited about the historic land purchase; it will be the foundation for a brighter tomorrow.”