15 Oct 2024
Aggregated Services Request for Proposals

Click here to submit your RFP
Proposals are due by November 15, 2024
Electric Cities of Georgia (ECG) requests proposals from contractors who regularly engage in Padmount Inspection, Pole Attachment, and Tree Trimming services for use by Participants in Georgia. Each of these services represents a critical component of our infrastructure maintenance and enhancement program, and we seek experienced vendors who can deliver high-quality services in these areas.
The window for submitting bids will be from October 15, 2024, to November 15, 2024. We’d like to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to partner with us to ensure the reliability and safety of our electrical grid. ECG will select the most technically qualified and economically acceptable organization for recommendation to our members for a contract to provide this service annually and as assigned by the member. Any contract resulting from this proposal request will be between the Participants and the selected Contractor.